A nice little tool_Wimberley Plamp II

Often when shooting macro or really close-up, I could use something to hold a leaf, branch, flashlight, light diffuser or just something to gently push something else to the side. I like to use what is called a Plamp II.  The official name is a Wimberley Plamp II.  Here are a few photos of the Plamp II in action and CLICK HERE for a You Tube video link that will give you more information and ideas:   In this series of photos, I used the Plamp II by attaching it to a chair and the stem of milky weed.   It helps too when the wind is blowing and you attach the Plamp to the stem of a flower to give  it more sturdiness. Also, as I said before, you can use the Plamp just to move other vegetation to the side and out of the way of the shot without damaging any plants or living things. The video gave me the idea of using a small flash light which can come in handy...

Finding the Unusual

The world is full of unusual situations.  This includes the world of nature.  People ask me how do you do it.  My answer is patience, anticipation and luck.  I also say that being in the right place at the right time is a factor, but, that could be considered luck too.  To make your photos interesting wait for interesting things to happen. Try to place yourself in the right circumstance or place to increase your chance of a good opportunity.  A bird on a branch is ok, but a bird on a branch with an insect is better, a bird on a branch with an insect feeding a baby is even better.  I think you get the...